
Thankful + Grateful — For You!

Thankful + Grateful — For You!

It's that time of year, when we tend to reflect upon the past year and look ahead at the coming year. But most of all, we’d like to express our gratitude and thankfulness to all of you—whether you’re a customer, partner, or just a friend of Modus—you’re appreciated more than you know! We’re so grateful that we like to share virtualModus Icon-DarkAqua hugs—every day. Here at Modus, we believe hugs are good. So much so that we designed our logo around two people reaching out to each other in a ‘hug.' 

So, during this holiday season, we’re offering some ‘gifts’ we believe you should think about giving to yourself. After all, things haven’t been very easy for the past year and a half. And just like Modus has adapted, grown, and simplified (in a good way!)—we’d love to see those we care about do the same. 

Now, we don’t want you to break the bank as you spoil yourself a bit. But we are challenging you to think about spending a bit of money in the name of self-care. I mean we all know that our spending often reflects our value, in both time and money. So, think of it as an investment in something important—and that is you

Easy ‘gifts’ that can bring joy:

  • Go for a long walk with a friend.
  • Eat an ice cream cone (or buy a fancy coffee, if that’s more your thing!).
  • Read a good book. 📚
  • Go to bed an extra 15 minutes early each night for a week.
  • Stretch—both at the beginning of your day and at the end.
  • Take a hot bath. 🛁
  • Forgive someone—even it’s yourself.
  • Cuddle with a furry friend.
  • Volunteer somewhere meaningful to you. ❤️
  • Buy a fresh bouquet of flowers.
  • Lie down with your legs against the wall (relieves stress, boosts creativity, and kickstarts clarity and focus—simple, right?).
  • Indulge in some dark chocolate. 🍫
  • Go to a museum, a concert, or an art display.
  • Make a playlist of music that makes you happy.
  • Quit texting with a friend and meet them for coffee, lunch, drinks, or dinner. 🍻
  • Light a fragrant candle.
  • Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Enjoy a sunrise or a sunset. 🌇
  • Book a massage.
  • Hug someone you love for 10 seconds (reduces your blood pressure, lowers your heart rate, and releases oxytocin and dopamine!).
  • Send a thank-you note to someone who made an impact but doesn’t know it. 📝
  • Write inspiring words on your bathroom mirror.
  • Watch a nostalgic movie at home.

These are just a subset of actions you can take for a bit of self-care that will hopefully make your holidays a little brighter. To us, it’s along the lines of the air travel announcement, “you need to put your oxygen mask on first” before you can help or give to others. 

Above all, at Modus, we hope you take a step back, count your blessings and choose to simplify, as we have over the past year. We plan to make 2023 our best year yet—won’t you join us?


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